Om Namah Shivaya


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Things you might not know about teachers...

My Drum Line. "Team Stout"
Unless you've been #LivingUnderARockRecently, you might have noticed a trend in the world right now (America expecially) that involves the unnecessary, unenlightened, and unmitigated bashing of not only our public school system, but us, the teachers who work in this excuse me...*live* in this system.

"#Live? *Psht* Whatever are you talking about?!  Teachers have it #Easy; you're done with work by 2:30pm, you have summer's off, all the holidays you can think of, luxurious snow days, spring break, and aside from the occasional dance you have to chaperone, or science fair you have to host, you've got a pretty damn cushy job!"

Have you seen my car lately?  It resembles my bedroom almost I spend so much time in it.  *Excuse me while I smack some sense into this person*

Schooling my kids on Bass Drum
As a public school teacher for almost 8 full years (closing in on the end of my 8th) I have learned many things; the most important ones being that "My day does.not.start at 7:20am, and does.not.stop at 2:20pm", and "Summer?  What Summer."  Now, don't get me wrong here.  My first year of teaching I will fully and honestly admit that I was home by 3pm almost every single day (not counting football game days, basketball game days, competition days, and after school meeting days), and I did absolutely *nothing* that first summer (aside from Band Camp in August).  What can I say...I didn't know any better and I didn't have a good mentor who *taught* me any better, so I had to learn on my own and learn I did.

Race for the Cure 2010
I've learned that I am the most constant, *positive*, adult contact that a majority of these young people will have in their formative years.  I have learned that I must be #Relentless in my quest to shape these young attitudes, minds, and souls, into something productive, respectful, and giving.  I've learned that I have to take the time to listen to them because sometimes I'm the only one who will.  I've learned when to kick them in the rear and when to handle them with kid gloves.  I've learned that my high expectations are what make them better.  I've learned that I *can* and *DO* tell them "How #DareYou waste my time with anything else but your very best effort!"; because when I call them to the carpet, they are grateful that someone cared enough to notice.  I've learned that it's okay if they don't like me because I'm not in this business to have teenagers like me (but it is a bonus when they do); I'm in this business to turn teenagers into "like-able" adults who know the difference between right and wrong, how to solve an argument without fists, and how to trust in the power of #RESPECT

I have also learned the power of what a teacher actually does.  Here it is, a slice of my life, a look into my day...enjoy.

4:15am my alarm starts going off and I groggily crack an eye open.  "It can't be time to get up already?!  I just went to sleep!" *sigh* #snoozebutton  

4:25am snooze time has ended and I haul myself out of bed.  I start my bath, let the dogs out, and stumble out to the kitchen for a wonderfully fragrant and soul warming mug of the "Nectar of the Gods".  Nothing better than that morning cup of coffee...mmmmm...then I let the dogs in and feed/water them.

4:30am-5am is bath time to wake up gently and gradually.  Try it, you might find that your mornings are easier.  I let the dogs out.

5am-5:30am I workout.  I know right?!  Crazy to be working up a sweat that early in the morning and right after a bath.  I've been doing this for about a year and for some reason it works.  I know that if I don't work out in the morning it's not gonna get done.  Today for example, I didn't workout this morning and told myself "I'll do it when I get home."  Ha! It's 6:46pm, I'm writing this blog and staring at the pile of stuff I need to work on and I *still* need to get dinner moving but my lower back and hip are throbbing right now so I'm gonna sit yet for a bit.  #NotGonnaHappen

5:30am-6:15ish-am I let the dogs in and deal with their morning routine as I frantically get myself ready for school/work.  Thankfully I've been moving through this particular morning routine for such a long time it's automatic, and having the short hair cuts about 15minutes. Still some mornings it's still a struggle to get the outfit right or stop my eyes from watering so I can get makeup on, or the dogs are particularly needy, or, or, or...take your pick.

6:15ish-am-6:30ish-am I pack my lunch, brush my teeth, kiss the hubby (who is still in bed sleeping btw ;), give one last rub to the dogs, grab my coat and all my stuff and head out to the car.  

I do want to interject here and add that most mornings I also flip the laundry, sweep the floors, pick up the clutter, and do the dishes.  This way I don't have to walk into a messy house at the end of the day.  Are you tired yet?

630ish-am-7:05am Commute to school

Race for the Cure 2010
7:05am-7:20am This is when the fun starts.  As soon as I hit the door I'm redirecting, correcting, answering questions, solving problems, and occasionally consoling.  "Put your badge on", "Hood off please", "Would you #Please pull your pants up?", "Hands off, hands off, HANDS OFF!", "Hood off PLEASE", "Dude, seriously are you kidding me? Put.Your.Badge.ON!" *Sigh*

7:20am-7:30am Commute from the Jr. High which is my home building, to the High School which is the first stop on my list.  Here I am the Assistant Band Director and Drum Line Instructor.  As soon as I hit the door I am redirecting, correcting, answering questions, solving problems, and occasionally consoling.  "Put your badge on", "Young lady that skirt is WAY to short", "Hood off please", "Would you #Please pull your pants up?", "Hands off, hands off, HANDS OFF!", "Hood PLEASE", "Dude, seriously are you kidding me? Put.Your.Badge.ON!"  *Sigh* 

7:30am I hit the Band Room door; "Come on folks! Get it uncovered, mallets out, books out, Timpani tuned, let's move let's move #Let'sMove!

7:40am-8:29am Band class/rehearsal. (Some of these are just hand signals, a finger snap followed by a stare, a quick "Psht" with a small shake of the head, or one of my favorites the silent "walk-up-behind) "Where's your stuff?", "Get up and MOVE folks!", "State's around the corner", "Quickly please! Quickly!", "Shhhh", "Eyes Forward", "Stop talking", "State's around the corner", "Quickly please!", "Where are your sticks?", "Seriously you need to know what you play on this song when we've been rehearsing it for #THREE months?!", "State's around the corner", "Shhh!" "What...what's your question", "No, not right now...leave me alone", "Quickly please!", "Shhhhh", "State's around the corner", "Reminders! Reminders! Reminders!", "Allright pack it up, cover it up, make it look nice and neat.  Let's go!"

8:29am-8:35am I am usually writing passes for my boys, answering their questions, entertaining their ideas, reminding them of after school rehearsal times, and having them re-tuck, put their badges on, and get out the door.

8:35am-8:45am "Common Plan" time; conversation with Head Director about the students, class, upcoming activities, etc.   

8:45am-8:55am Commute to first elementary school of the day

Band picnic 2010.  I shouldn't have been there, had chemo that day but I wanted to be there for them

8:55am-9:00am set up my "room" for class.  My room is on the Stage which opens right into the Gym and even though the door is closed it's still noisy.  It's also the staff lunch room so I have to deal with teachers coming in and interrupting and having at least one conversation with a fifth grader about just exactly *why* they can't use the vending machine.  

9:05-9:30am pick the kids up and have class.  "Straight line, brown tile, toes and eyes forward, mouths closed.", "Where's your instrument?  At home?  Go back to class I'll see you tomorrow and no you may *not* come anyways because all you do is talk.  Goodbye!"   "Tune", "Review, New, Future material", "Shhh!", "Stop Talking", "You are wasting time you don't have", "Good job!", "Do it again!", "No I will not enable you", "Good job!", "Reminders, reminders #Reminders!", "Pack Up We Gotta Go!"

9:35am-9:45am Commute to elementary #2 

9:45am-950am Sit for just a second in the silence of my car.

9:50-10:35am: Get into building, only restroom stop of the day, stop by each 5th grade room to get kids and have class (thankfully in an actual classroom this time).  "Straight line, brown tile, toes and eyes forward, mouths closed.", "Where's your instrument?  At home?  Go back to class I'll see you tomorrow and no you may *not* come anyways because all you do is talk.  Goodbye!"   "Tune", "Review, New, Future material", "Shhh!", "Stop Talking", "You are wasting time you don't have", "Good job!", "Do it again!", "No I will not enable you", "Good job!", "Reminders, reminders #Reminders!", "Pack Up We Gotta Go!"

10:40am-10:45am Commute to elementary #3

10:45am-10:58am Set up room (ESL room), check email and return emails, print, make copies, check items off "To-Do" list.  

11am-1130am Pick up kids and have class.  "Straight line, brown tile, toes and eyes forward, mouths closed.", "Where's your instrument?  At home?  Go back to class I'll see you tomorrow and no you may *not* come anyways because all you do is talk.  Goodbye!"   "Tune", "Review, New, Future material", "Shhh!", "Stop Talking", "You are wasting time you don't have", "Good job!", "Do it again!", "No I will not enable you", "Good job!", "Reminders, reminders #Reminders!", "Pack Up We Gotta Go!"

11:40am-11:50am Commute back to home school.  Usually a Walgreens stop on the way for a Green Tea, some gum and a magazine.  Also use this opportunity to pick up any items we need at home since it's one less thing to do at the end of the day.

11:55am-1:30pm Plan and Lunch time.  Copies, phone calls, emails, schedules, calendars, powerpoints, setting up the room, cleaning up the trash from the previous hours, 2 hall duties with hall sweeps: "Put your badge on", "Hood off please", "Would you #Please pull your pants up?", "Hands off, hands off, HANDS OFF!", "Hood off PLEASE", "Dude, seriously are you kidding me? Put.Your.Badge.ON!", "STOP RUNNING!", "Stop play fighting in my hallway!", "Tardi Trac, Tardi Trac!", "I don't *care* f you don't want to go to Tardi Trac, you're going and I will win because!" 

Part of 8th grade Orch. Fall concert
1:35pm-2:20pm 8th grade Orchestra: "Where's your instrument?  At home?  Go sit down and don't talk.  Fill out the "R.O.S".  "Grab your stuff, have a seat!", "2minutes and counting folks! Move move move!", "No I don't know where your instrument is", "Stop poking one another", "Grab your stuff, have a seat!, "30 seconds and counting!", "Time's up! Sit down! High Bow....High BOW....HIGH BOW!".  "Here's your A, Tune", "Who needs me?", "Have you been tuned?", "Where's your stuff?", "Spit your gum out", "High Bow!".  "Shhh!", "Stop Talking", "You are wasting time you don't have""Scales, warm-ups, Chorales, Arpeggios", "First piece, measure 24...Violas!  Violins measure 15.  Good.  Cello's start at 54 please and *attack* the note!  Basses, sustain that note you're our foundation you can't be wimpy".  "Good job!", "Do it again!"  "Shhh!", "Stop Talking", "You are wasting time you don't have", "Good job!", "Do it again!", "No I will not enable you", "Good job!", "Reminders, reminders #Reminders!", "Pack Up We Gotta Go!", "Line those stands up nice and neat, pick up the floor, have a seat!", "Announcements are on! Shh! Stop talking!", "You're dismissed see you tomorrow".

2:20pm-2:30pm Hall Duty which consists of me and the other teachers saying "#GOHOME!!!" at the top of our lungs.  They don't ever seem to want to be *at* school yet they never seem to want to leave. #Don'tUnderstand

2:30pm-2:40pm enter attendance, clean up desk, clean up room, think about tomorrow's class, check my email, grab my stuff, head down to my mail box, walk out the door and drive to Ruskin.  

3:00-4:30/5pm Percussion Rehearsal and/or Drum Line Rehearsal "Good job!", "Do it again!"  "Shhh!", "Stop Talking", "You are wasting time you don't have", "Where's your stuff?", "Get up and MOVE folks!", "State's around the corner", "Quickly please! Quickly!", "Shhhh", "Eyes Forward", "Stop talking", "State's around the corner", "Quickly please!", "Look at me", "Where are your sticks?", "Seriously you need to know what you play on this song when we've been rehearsing it for #THREE months?!", "That wasn't good enough; do it again", That's it! NOW, do it again!", "Quickly please!", "I'd like to be leaving by 5 and we're already 30min behind!", "Do it again", "Shhhhh", "State's around the corner", "Reminders! Reminders! Reminders!", "Allright pack it up, cover it up, make it look nice and neat.  Let's go! I gotta hit the road! (Usually 30min late)"

5pm-5:30/5:45/sometimes 6pm wait for parents to arrive even though it clearly states on the calendar that rehearsal ENDS at 5pm.  I do have a life folks!  I would like to have some time to enjoy it :)

Raytown Marching Comp 2010. Should not have been there, had Chemo the day before but had to be there for them
Once the kids are all picked up or I have dropped them off, I head home on my 20min commute.  Usually there are errands to run and appointments to make before I can really be home.  Then once I get home, usually anywhere between 530 and 6, unless it's Marching Season where Thursday's and Friday's I don't get home until 10pm if I'm lucky; or Basketball Season where it could be any night of the week (or a concert night, or a meeting night, or, or, or).  So I get home and we all know what happens when you get home.  We don't have any human children right now, we have two black labs.  They are just as demanding as children people, they demand and require, and deserve just as much attention (hell they've been home alone all day!).  I set foot out of my car and I hear the barking.  "Mom's home!  Mom's home!  ball...ball...ball... Mom's home! Mom's home!"  It always brings a smile to my face to see those two goofs barking like crazy behind the sliding glass door but it also wears me out knowing I have at least an hour, hour and a half before I can just focus on *me*.  

5:30/6pm-8pm So the nightly routine begins.  Laundry, sweeping floors, figuring out what's for dinner and getting that going, playing with the dogs (which does afford me some time to read my book a sentence or two at a time in-between hits), then more laundry, fixing dinner, and *finally* sitting down at 8 where I look over at the stack of stuff I brought home from school (currently Drum Line "Bible" material to put together, calendars to set, handbooks to rewrite, music to go through and digest, and my mileage forms to finish, oh and a professional travel request as well).  Each night all I can think is "It's already 8 o'clock?!  "Double U.Tea.Eff", man.  I haven't even done any yoga or taken my bath, I still have all that to do and yet I'm utterly exhausted." 

**Couple side notes: 1) I started writing this blog about 5:45pm yesterday, took it upstairs with me when I got ready to make dinner, then worked on it in bed for a bit in between other things before turning the light off at 11pm too exhausted to think anymore.  2) I did take this whole week off from after school rehearsals (a *well* deserved break from lots of hard work these past months) but I'm *STILL* not getting home until of a teacher?***

The last "Cougar Pride Band"
I really really try to do it all in a day.  My life, *our* life, my teaching, and nurturing of young souls and minds, but sometimes I just can't.  I mean, come.on...I had freaking breast cancer 1st semester and still pushed myself to be there for my students even if I wasn't feeling 100%.  I can't tell you how many people got upset with me because I kept putting them first but you see, that's what I do.  It's who I am.  It's what I'm all about.  If I'm not there for them then who is?  They miss me when I'm not there, and I miss them.  This is my life, my love, and my passion.  

So how long will I get to do it?  If the current economic climate is any indicator, who the #Ficklesticks knows?  Funding gets cut every.single.year, more and more teachers lose their jobs, and more responsibility is heaped upon those of us who are left.  You don't know this, but last year our department went from 14 people to 8 and we practically had to BEG to get them to hire one more and that was simply because none of us had space in our schedule to cover those classes, although last year's "Teacher of the Year" (our head Orchestra director) sure did try and he almost ran himself into the ground doing so.  

Band Camp 2010
Left! Left! Band Camp 2010
I leave you with these last thoughts as I feel that I have rambled enough.  If you honestly think that teachers have some posh job that affords them all sorts of time off, including summers, I would like for you to know that I take #ONE, count it, O.N.E week off during the summer, and I'm forced to take a second thanks to MSHSAA.  I usually take the very first week of June off to just decompress and relax a bit, then it's right into Drum Line summer rehearsals.  Usually 3 days a week (might be 4 this year), for 3-4 hours at a time.  Once the end of July hits I'm essentially back to school because Band Camp *#ThisOneTime,AtBandCamp* starts up, then teacher meetings swing into high gear, and before I know it it's convocation day and the students are arriving.  Regarding our other time off,  Snow Days are great if we have one or two, anymore than that and our lives become even *more* complicated!  #MAP, #EOC, #SRI,anyone?  #TeachingToTheTest.  #GottaCatchUP...  Winter break is the only one I hold sacred "Love you all but I don't want to see you or hear from you unless it's a dire emergency over break" *laugh* All of the other breaks we have I have rehearsal more times than not.
Summer Rehearsal

District Competition Fun, 2011
So I guess what I'm getting at is that you all out there in internet land/the world, need to realize that we are incredibly overworked AND underpaid (I held a second job bartending on the weekends before I got cancer and had to quit), yet we go above and beyond trying to make the best out of a bad situation that the government makes worse with each passing year.  So please get on the side of your teachers because if we're not going to educate your children, who will, and if we're not given some semblance of respect for the hard work we do, schools are gonna lose a lot more than just government funding.  

So thank your teachers, help your teachers, #RESPECT your teachers.  Give *us* that kind word occasionally to let us know that we are truly appreciated for all the hard work we do and valuable time we donate to the success of YOUR children.   
Praying to the "Drum Gods" for a good performance


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